ID the Future

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

SETI and the Search for Intelligent Life on Earth...

Many of you who stumble across this blog are aware of the "search for extraterrestrial intelligence" (abbreviated "SETI") . For those who have never heard of it, simply put, SETI is a loosely organized group of scientists, astronomers, etc. that are searching for intelligent life in the universe.

Basically the project consists of aiming radio telescopes into space and listening for "signals" that could be interpreted as containing evidence of intelligence. What would be considered evidence of intelligence? Any type of signal that would show a non-random, coded sequence of "information".

One part all of this that is pretty cool is the SETI @home project started by U.C. Berkeley in May 1999. Anyone can get involved in the search. Check it out at

In 1977 there was signal detected by an Ohio State University scientist that came to be known as "The WOW! signal". ( ) It lasted 72 seconds and has never been detected again in 30 years of searching.

What does this have to do with the ID/Evolution debate? Plenty. One of the most highly organized coded systems of information known in the universe is DNA. As you know, it is found in every cell of "living organisms".

Richard Dawkins, no friend of ID or creation proponents, in "The Blind Watchmaker" says the DNA in ONE HUMAN cell contains "enough information capacity store the Encyclopaedia Britannica, all 30 volumes of it, three or four times over".

According to the Encarta Encyclopedia on the internet, 10,000 average size human cells would fit on the head of a pin.

Of course, just as the information in the Encyclopaedia Britannica is organized and coded for the purpose of communication, all the information in DNA is in an organized form that is "read" to produce every single aspect of the human body, including each persons unique features all the way down to their fingerprints.

The miraculous way that the DNA encoding and reading system works is still not completely understood, even by our most brilliant scientists.

The simple question I want you to think about is "IF discovering non-random coded information signals in radio waves would be evidence for intelligent life among the stars, what does the 90-120 encyclopedia volumes of elaborately coded information we find in each one of our bodies cells tell us?"

There are literally thousands of scientists, spending at least thousands of dollars (probably millions of dollars) involved in the search for coded information to prove the existence of intelligent life in outer space.

At the same time, evolutionists want us to believe that 90-120 encyclopedia volumes of elaborately coded information happened just by the area 1/10,000th the size of a pin head.

In all honesty, I wonder if we should start searching for intelligent life here on earth before we try to find it somewhere else...

For a little more information about DNA checkout some of these sites:

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