ID the Future

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Levinthal Paradox

The more I study about the creation vs. evolution debate, the more I find, we are not being told truth in many different cases.

I just "happened" to find a site called Biochemistry Online. As I researched about amino acids and proteins, I found the following statement:

"Given the number of possibly nonnative states, it is amazing that proteins fold to the native state at all, let alone in a reasonable time frame." (emphasis added)

Then the writer goes on to say:

"Consider this greatly simplified view of protein folding for a protein containing 100 amino acids. If each amino acid can adopt only 3 possible conformations, the total number of conformations could be 3100 = 5 x 1047. Assuming that it would take 10-13s to change each conformation, the time required to "test" all conformations would be 5 x 1034s or 1027 years, longer than the age of the universe (14 x 109 yr). Yet the protein can fold within seconds. This paradox is called the Levinthal paradox, after Cyrus Levinthal. " (emphasis added)

Even if you believe the universe is BILLIONS of years old, there is not enough time in the estimated age of the universe for ONE 100 amino acid protein to form!! NOT ONE!! How many of you heard that in any of your high school or university science classes?

Here is what is amazing...Even though there is not enough time in the whole age of the entire universe for ONE protein to form, evolution teaches that all the elements in the earth's atmosphere SOMEHOW, BY CHANCE came into being from nothing and then those elements SOMEHOW, BY CHANCE were able to form amino acids, then SOMEHOW, BY CHANCE they began to form into proteins, that SOMEHOW, BY CHANCE they evolved into all the unique lifeforms we see today!!

I am sorry. I just don't have enough FAITH to believe that... (cont.)

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