ID the Future

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sorry for the Lack of Postings

I want to apologize to any one who has been kind enough to stop by and visit this blog. As you can tell there have been no postings for quite some time...

For the last few months I have been trying to decide whether to continue with this blog or not. I know it might seem premature to be thinking about killing a blog that only began in December...
the fact that I have been extremely busy in a new phase of life and the comments of some people caused me to stop and reconsider the need for such a blog.

But now I have decided that I will continue this blog at the rate of once every 2 weeks. The subject matter can be difficult especially to translate for my Japanese language blog, but I have become aware of the definite need for such information.

I have heard several prominent (and not so prominent) Christians make comments about the "evidence for evolution" recently. That bothers me...

Although the issues addressed here are not "unto salvation", people must be told that so much of what is reported as fact on this issue is not. There are almost as many opinions as there are scientists and there is very little agreement on many of the issues promoted as fact. Most disturbing is the "disinformation" that occurs.

And so I will pick up my "pen" ( or keyboard as it were) again and push on.
True science is following the data where ever it may lead...and you might be pleasantly surprised...

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