ID the Future

Monday, December 4, 2006

By Design

There are a few things in my life that I am very passionate of those things is the debate about creation and evolution. As someone who has always been intrigued by science and especially biology, I read many articles from various sources concerning this issue. One of my favorite authors, even today, is the now deceased Stephen Jay Gould.(Yes, I do realize he was a very vocal anti-creationist.)

In my reading, especially of Gould, one of the most surprising things was to find out how little real evidence there is for the theory of evolution. Gould says, "The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. " ("The Panada's Thumb", Penguin Books, 1987 pg. 150; emphasis added). Amazingly, Gould himself also often wrote about how bias of scientists has affected many of the accepted, but later disproved scientific theories, in many different fields.

In this blog I will attempt to give both evidence AGAINST the theory of evolution and FOR creation and/or Intelligent Design. I pray that anyone who is truly opened minded will take the time to at least read and look into this subject for themselves. To accept ANY belief, without questioning or thinking for one's self, is not the answer in ANY situation...